Hunia Tarek Tomoum


+20 Egypt Design Week
Signage Protest

A life experience in Egypt. A chaotic organization of signs representing loss of orientation in the thoughts and in the flesh. Through a series of not to do signs, the installation says a statement. The installation presents in an ironic way the undefined human rights in Egypt, which make them lose track of thoughts. Also, it presents the numerous activities and actions that are banned in our culture and country varying from the inaccessible green spaces to the cultural rejection of people who are different in how they look and how they think which was represented by a 'handicap is not allowed sign.' Visitors tended to take photos but not to physically interact with this installation, may be because it looks official or because of the two policemen sitting right beside it as if they were guarding it. By the action of the policemen taking over the installation, is a statement in itself.

Shadow of Patterns

Lighting fixture inspired by the dramatic effect of the shadows of a Mashrabiya. This product consists of a base and two repetitive types of forms; a pyramid and a tetrahedron. When assembled, it creates one whole standing indirect lighting unit. When unassembled, it creates several small lighting units that can be randomly arranged around the room; placed on a horizontal plane, a vertical plane or hanged from a ceiling. Fabric/threads have a mix of solids and voids dropping the shadow of patterns. The over-layering of patterns creates shadow effect that varies with the arrangement of its parts.